How to Create/Provide Backup Credentials for Servosity

To properly configure and monitor your backups, we require some credentials to the system(s) and backup storage systems.

Credential & Key's Page: 

All of the following Credentials need to be stored on the Company's Credential & Key's page so our Dedicated engineers can access them. You can find this page on the Servosity Portal under the Company Dropdown.

Credentials Needed: 

  • Local Admin - For every system being backed up and the BDR if available, we need Local Admin credentials. 
    • On the System(s), run the following commands in an Elevated Command Prompt
      net user [*username] [password] /add
      net localgroup administrators [username] /add
    • We recommend using Servosity as the Username but it can be anything of your choosing as long as it matches the Credential & Keys page
    • We also generate a password on the Credential & Keys page when an entry is created, you can choose to use your own password by clicking the Edit button
  • NAS Credential - If backups are stored on a NAS, we will need Read/Write credentials to the Share backups are stored on
    • Depending on the NAS, the Credential Creation process will be different. Create an account for our dedicated engineers to use and access the NAS
    • Store those credentials on the Credential & Keys Page 


If you have any questions about creating or storing credentials, please reach out to us at