Setting up ImageManager automatic Volume Integrity Checking

In addition to verifying that the image files on your local storage are still identical to when they were created, ImageManager is able to mount and scan new consolidated backup images on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Here is how to enable that feature:

  • Open ImageManager, and right-click on the managed folder, then choose "Properties"
  • Click on the "Verification", and then check the box at the bottom that says, "Check volume integrity of new consolidated image files"

  • Select Scan new consolidated Daily image Files
  • Click Save

*Note* This will require you to input the Encryption Key of your backup chain into the managed folder settings. You will be prompted to do this after clicking save but we recommend adding these to the subfolders instead of the main folder. 

To add your encryption key to the settings:

  • Right click on the subfolder in ImageManager and select properties (this will be the folder underneath the Backups folder)
  • On the General tab, select the box for Use password to open images in this folder 
  • Input the Encryption key into that field
  • Click Save

Once ImageManager runs it's nightly processing, you'll get an email sent to the "ImageManager Notifications" check for that company in CheckCentral. It will contain the results of the chkdsk process for each volume. CheckCentral will parse the contents of the email and verify if the results indicate a good volume, or if it should be flagged as an error or warning.