Understanding the CheckCentral Dashboard

The CheckCentral Dashboard is designed to be a quick and easy way to get an overview of all your current backups and their statuses. Under Status History you will see a list of recent activities from ImageManger, ShadowProtect SPX, and ServosityPro. The most recent activity is on the right.



Each activity is notated by a colored circle. You can hover over an activity to get a summary of what was reported. Clicking on the activity will open the full email for review.



Understanding each activity at a glance is easy as well.

green.png  - Activity was OK.

green_gear.jpg  - Activity was created by API

green_person.jpg  - Activity was created by a person

green_clock.jpg  - Activity no longer needs attention

green_play.jpg  - Checks resumed from being paused 

grey_pause.jpg  - Checks paused

yellow.png   - Activity requires attention. 

red.png   - Activity had a failure.

red_clock.jpg   - Check was overdue.


For more information on how to set up and configure CheckCentral in the best way for your organization, check out our list of articles, email support@servosity.com, or give us a call at 1-800-429-0500 and we'll be happy to help!
