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What is Servosity One?

Depending on how long you've been with Servosity, you may have seen some fairly significant changes to our core applications, Servosity Standard and Professional. Some were very visible, like the GUI changes from version 6 to version 7, some were more behind the scenes, like the index and reliability changes we instated with version 8. 

It has been 2 years since Servosity version 8 was initially released, and in that time we've begun to try and rethink exactly what exactly backup and DR should be. Instead of further iterating on our old ideas and codebase, we decided to start over from scratch and build a completely modern backup engine. One with no client-side GUI. One where you simply install a minimal agent, either manually, or with your RMM tool, and then all configuration is done in the Servosity Control Panel, from the security of your own browser. One with no way to modify a backup or delete backup data from the client side. One that will soon allow you to install, configure, and monitor ShadowProtect and ImageManager from our control panel as well.

Our vision for Servosity One is that it will be the only piece you need to install on your system, whether through the installation wizard, or as a bulk deployment, and then after a simple provisioning process on your own browser window, it will automatically download all required software, and configure the backups to your specifications.

No more configuring each backup application and tool separately. For each file backup, just select the folders and you're done. For each DR backup, simply select which volumes you want to backup, and they'll automatically be saved to your configured backup store, which will be uploaded each night, and monitored by ImageManager. This is our vision for Servosity One, and we've taken the first steps toward this already.

While we've done extensive testing in our internal labs, and gone through numerous iterations and versions of Servosity One already, we've decided to begin using it in production for our Servosity Safe companies. Since these companies include Servosity's Fully Managed Service, that means that we're still the ones who are configuring, managing, and maintaining your backups, so we're immediately aware of any issues that may appear as we increase the scale at which we're deploying Servosity One. We'll take what we learn and constantly improve, until we're ready to release it for anyone to use. When we do, it will be the simplest, safest, and most convenient backup software you've ever used. Try it soon, and prove us right.