2023-04 Servosity "Ike" Release

We're excited the announce the first release of 2023! For this release we focused on overhauling our portal to make things easier for you. However, the biggest change has been officially releasing Servosity Safe Silver, our cheaper do it yourself option. Along with the portal changes, we've also adjusted the restore process for Servosity Safe to make restoring your data, that much easier. 


Portal Overhaul

The Servosity portal, or control panel, has seen some minor but effective changes. You probably noticed many of these changes but, we'll still go over the changes here. You can now view the Support Tier of each company in your dashboard. Your dashboard should look like this now (hopefully without all the red skulls of our test dashboard).

We've also adjusted the options under the Partner and Company dropdown. You now have access to the Agent Provisioning page which will allow you to download ServosityOne by simply running a PowerShell script. Gold companies don't have to worry about this as your Dedicated Engineer will be doing all of that for you! 

Aside from that, we've made some small changes to backup account creation, the company settings and the company dashboard.

Servosity Safe Silver

We realized that not everyone can utilize our Gold services but, we wanted to make sure that all our partners could benefit from the countless improvements of Servosity Safe. Hence, Servosity Safe Silver was created! We've had Silver in a beta state for a while however, we finally feel comfortable officially releasing it. 

Silver is very similar to Unlimited in the sense that, you are in control of the backups. You'll still have access to our amazing support team but, we aren't monitoring or configuring the backups for you. Aside from that, you'll have all the benefits of Servosity Safe so you can feel Safe and confident with your backups. Here's a list of all the benefits that Silver offers: 

  • Do it yourself backups
  • Web based agent
  • Servosity Adamantium Vault (Immutable Backups)
  • Faster Backups and Restores
  • Easier configuration
  • Incremental backups to the cloud while a Seed Load is in progress

If you find that Silver backups are just a little to much work for your taste, don't fret; with this release, you can seamlessly change Silver companies to Gold and vice versa. Simply head on over to the Company Settings page to find the Convert to Gold/Silver button. Just a reminder, we will need remote access to your systems if you do convert from Silver to Gold. 

Restore Process

For the official release of Silver, we wanted an easy to use restore process so the already stressful restores aren't made more difficult by our shortcomings. Of course, with any restore, we strongly recommend reaching out to Support@servosity.com (or Emergency@servosity.com for after hours restore support) so that we can assist in retrieving the data you need. 

The new Restore Queue page will allow you to navigate snapshots and find the files you want to restore all from our control panel. Once you select the snapshot you want, you can start the restore immediately on your system, if you have ServosityOne installed or, get a URL to open the restore page on any system.

After the restore begins, you can also use the URL on any system to monitor the restore process! 

You can learn more about the restore process from our KB article dedicated to ServosityOne restores



Lastly, if you have any feedback, please let us know by filling out the Feedback form on the Servosity Portal. You can find it under the Partner Dropdown. We want to continue to improve here at Servosity and we need your help to do that! Please feel free to leave any feedback no matter how small you think it may be!