Creating a DR Backup Account

This is part 1 of a 5 part series. To see an overview of Servosity Safe DR Backups and find links to the other articles in this series, click here. Part 2 will be linked at the bottom.

When creating a DR backup account for Servosity Safe, there are a few extra steps to be aware of. Follow this guide to learn how to set it up correctly.

  1. Login to the Servosity Control Panel and select or create the Company where you want to create the backup account.
    1. The companies serve as organizational blocks. You can have multiple DR Accounts under a single company but, there can only be one offsite backup system/ImageManager system per company so keep that in mind when creating them 
  2. Once your Company has been created, head over to the Company Dashboard by clicking on the Company Name. Your dashboard should look like this: 
  3. This will bring up a "Type Dropdown" select the appropriate type of DR Backup Account:
  4. Enter the Computer Name in the top left field. If you don't know your computer name, you can find it by following these instructions. This has to be the exact computer name for the Backups to run properly. 
  5. Select your Retention and add any applicable notes that may be needed for this machine. Note: Increasing retention above 1 year will increase the monthly cost of that account. Check your pricing sheet for details.
  6. Select all the Volume letters you will be imaging. Only backups of the Volumes that are selected here will be uploaded to our cloud.
  7. Select the Create Backup Account button. 

Congratulations! You've created the backup account. Go ahead and repeat this process for each other system you want to backup with Servosity DR, then proceed to part 2 with the link below.