How to Provision/Add Backup Accounts

With the recent changes to our portal, the Creation and Provisioning of backup accounts has changed.

Creating/Provisioning a Backup Account:

  • Head over to the Servosity Portal
  • Locate or create the Company where you need to create the backup accounts
  • Make sure that Servosity One is installed on any systems that need backups or will manage the backups
  • Click on the Green Add or Provision Account button
  • You should see your System(s) listed below, click on the Provision button to continue
  • If you don't see your system listed, make sure you followed the directions in the installation guide correctly.
  • It will ask a few questions to determine the role of the agent on that system: 
    • Will this system run ImageManager?
      • ImageManager is used to perform consolidation and retention on the local backup images. It can only run on one system per company. If you have multiple instances of ImageManager at a single site, it will need to be split into separate companies in the Servosity Control Panel.
    • Does this computer also do DR image backups? (Only for the ImageManager system)
      • The system running ImageManager can either be a production system that needs to be backed up (if so, click Yes, and you'll get a backup account for it) or it can be a dedicated system which only exists to manage the backup chain (in which case click no, and it won't create a backup account). 
    • Do you want to create a new account or select an existing account?
      • If you're setting up a new backup account, you'll want to select "New" here. This is most likely the case. The only time you'll select "Existing" is if you're having to re-provision an agent after a restore or a test broke the provisioning.
  • If you select "Existing" you'll just need to pick the existing account to associate the system you're provisioning with.
  • If you select "New" you'll get the following account creation window
    • The computer name is filled in automatically
    • You can add any notes for reference, but these are optional
    • The backup account type will be either DR Server for a Server OS (Windows Server 2022) or DR Desktop for a Desktop OS (Windows 11)
    • All locally attached volumes will be automatically selected if the agent has had enough time on the system to detect them. You can de-select any that you don't need a backup of (archive/cache volumes or local backup destination volumes. 
    • 1 year retention (365 daily backups in the cloud) is included in the standard price. Additional years of daily backups are available by selecting an extended retention period, but there is an additional cost. See your pricing sheet or contact for more info.
  • Once you click "Provision" your backup account will be provisioned/created
  • Repeat the process for any additional systems you installed Servosity One on

If you have any trouble with this or if there is anything we can do to help, please reach out to us at