How to Structure your ShadowProtect Backups Folder

This is part 2 of a 5 part series. To see an overview of Servosity Safe DR Backups and find link to the other articles in this series, click here. Part 3 will be linked at the bottom.

In order to make managing DR backups simple, we created these guidelines. If you follow the steps in the article you will have a consistent way to store and manage your local DR images.

The following guidelines are mandatory for Servosity Safe companies. The Servosity One agent is built to follow this directory structure in order to automatically backup your local DR images to our cloud.

First, identify where you want your Backup Store to be located. While it is possible to create it on any volume that isn't being backed up by ShadowProtect, we recommend that you use either a dedicated NAS or BDR Server for maximum security and resilience. 

  • Whatever you decide, go ahead and create your top level folder. Name this top level folder Servosity as the folder name.
  • Inside the Servosity folder create the following subfolders:
    • Archive
    • Backups
    • Tools 

The Archive folder is where you can keep your old backup chains. If you've already been running ShadowProtect backups, you'll need to start a new chain when moving to Servosity, so that it's configured from the start with our best practices and on the latest version of SPX. You can keep your old chain in the Archive folder for ease of access.

The Tools folder is where we recommend saving a copy of the Recovery Environment ISO which can save you time when you need to troubleshoot or restore a ShadowProtect backup.

Finally, inside the Backups folder you'll need to make a subfolder for each system you are backing up with ShadowProtect. Each folder should be named the same as the Computer Name of each system. If you're not sure what the Computer Name is, you can follow this guide to find it. 

The Subfolders within the Backups folder MUST be the exact computer names. Backups will not run if these are incorrect. 

When you're done, your structure should look something like this:

  • Servosity
    • Archive
      • <old chain folders>
    • Backups
      • FileServer1
      • SQLServer1
      • DC1
    • Tools
      • Recovery_Environment.iso

With this folder structure prepared, you're ready to setup your ShadowProtect backups. Just make sure you point each system to the correct folder. If you run into any issues with this or anything, just let us know at and we'll be happy to help.